Monday, November 24, 2008

becuase i promised

ok so the one thing i continue to learn over and over like an Alzheimer's patient is that

life continues to get in the way

I owe you (beth) my insights on a few things, for the sake of getting caught up and participating ~ but i promise to be concise and to the point

~ in class movies ~

grave of the fireflies:

this movie is verbose in terms of imagery, and surprisingly it works well. bc i have seen princess mononoke and spirited away i couldnt shake the same overall feeling invoked by these types of films. however, it took me longer to get drawn into this storyline, and perhaps thats bc it takes time to deconstruct the walls of our viewpoints being inherant to our cultural heritage. overall, i enjoyed the movie, and it was emotionally poignant, albeit it could have been tweaked in some areas imo, but i digress for this class, this movie is relevant becuase it shows apart of history that many of us would never think to bring to the forefronts of our conciousness

two thumbs up for point, and overall delivery

my only criticisms could be the dialogue and the failure to see more of whats going on outside of the primary characters, as the setting is a valuable character itself

the farmer flick:

to be honest, i couldn't connect to this film... something about it just sailed around me

i get why its relevant, again its a viewpoint that many of us would not normally see or think about

but it seemed to me at points, that this guy wanted to be strange just to be strange (again this works and has its place in the world) but i guess i just dont share his passions, his idiosyncracies

overall, he makes a good point about food and the world, and the connection we share yadda yadda

i love food, truly i do, i was born in montana, i share a love for the wild and the earth and all that neo hippie stuff, i dated a dietician for three years... i mean i feel like i should have more of an attachment to this film, but i think i draw the line at eating dirt


meh thumbs up

yes their is worth, but i dont feel that this films message needed this much time and filler, it was a mixed film about a "queer" aka strange farmer, and then an interesting approach to farming

Museum expedition:

i never made it out to a museum, although i've been jonesing to see MING BLING at the IMA, and i really did want to see the comic thing at the Children's Museum

suffice it to say, i ended up looking at the cover art of my cd collection, i found it interesting bc album art has a lot to say, if the artist wants to make a statement

not to be a blowoff approach, but this topic could take its own class, needless to say i took some time to flip thru what i had and found that it was interesting to examine them more cloesly than i normally would

final project slashie pill bottle idea (my original thought):

so this continues to be a work in progress that nevertheless has taken on a life of its own, i fear that its getting bigger than i orignally had concieved, and as a byproduct of evolution i have no idea where it will end (doesnt this seem like a note a mad scientist would write in his journal)

however, interesting side note

i wonder if i am constantly revising or adding to this notion bc i am learning more, or because there is just no clear answer

i find that my original concept has changed to represent something that might be similiar to what we have viewed in class already, the secrets thing with post cards

instead of solidifying into a concrete TADA project, im getting more or less disassociated ideas that i know eventually will conect but its madening bc when i review my thoughts and what ive attempted to do, i fear that to the outsider it will think im totally on drugs

which, then again, is part of the project .... sorta not me being wasted, but the idea of drugs

however, ive been tryin to implement different approaches to doing this project, ive tried letting my mind wonder, ive taken days off so i can get a fresh look, ive done research - only to find roadblocks (what really is relevant and correct these days - furthermore, it seems that statistics are the way things get done, bc they are never truly wrong if you argue in the right context, but are they actually reliable.... who's to say WHO IS TO SAY)

i feel like im trapped in beta testing, but its only me

i suppose, my project is an idea, a message, instead of an established project

so in essence, its talk, its debate, its philosophy, its the pursuite of truth, its elegant bs, its insanely important, and its something that some people may never think about in their life

its lifesaving, and disposable
its timeless, and its already dead and buried
im not the originator, and im definitely not that last to be the curator

its the human condition, thus flawed, but infinitely intersting as perfection is boring

i give you my word, that i will try

i hope not to disappoint

but for right now, its a work in progress, this is a hard hat area, im under construction
and i have no idea what the half life of this thing could really be

ok well i think im caught up now, so if you have any questions you know what to do



spyroterra said...

I absolutely love this quote from you: "but for right now, its a work in progress, this is a hard hat area, im under construction
and i have no idea what the half life of this thing could really be"

You get it! I know it is frustrating, but you are not in a vacuum and you have the rest of you life to work on this (sort of thing) if you want. Bravo!!!

spyroterra said...

You were great fun this semester and I think you got a lot from the class. Keep working on those ideas. Eventually it will all fall into place. Keep in touch!