Monday, September 8, 2008

"Bible Dip" ~ Pandemonium (pg148?)

For my first dipping session, I opened the book to this article that roughly recalls a person and their group problem solving exercise experieince

Nevertheless, the gist was that two head are better than one, so on and so forth

However, I am taking this notion and challenging it towards the opiate of the masses aka religion

Is this always true?

I mainly want to play devils advocate as religion has been on my mind (lets say that relationships can get dicey when this topic comes up and well yea....)

But anyways, are two heads ALWAYS better?

I suppose the best answer is no, not always... becuase for one thing, working with a guy in a coma isn't going to be much help is it? ~~ well I suppose he could help with rhetorical questions, but thats beside the point.

So if anyone actually reads this, hit me back and let me know what you think

is there an order to chaos, or does order inevitably lead to chaos

are we able to bypass our animal instincts to become something more, or are we a prisoner to our lower survival needs, a shortcoming of morals, can we become more than we are naturally? do we work better on our own, or as a group, a civilization, a country?

i guess thats alot and pretty broad, but deal with it, i want to know

forever and always

~ john


N.Gallagher said...

Wow, I've been thinking about a lot of the same stuff lately. It reminds me of the view we receive from the media on what will make one happy and what makes a meaningful relationship.

I took a look at that on a personal level and found it to be pretty much bullshit. Not for everyone I think, but for me since I am a strong introvert and have been embracing that more recently. I really see the satisfaction I receive from myself and the solace I have in my own head.

If I couldn't retreat into my own brain regularly I would go insane. Anyway, I came to the conclusion that there's so much power in the self that society ignores for the sake of seeming selfish, when if we gave that attention to ourselves we might make ourselves more effective people for others.

Make any sense? Or do I just sound conceited? Haha, anyway, there's a novel for you.

spyroterra said...

Man, this is something I think about a lot, too. I think that chaos is inevitable and actually a good thing. But I also strong believe that the the words always and never are ridiculous because the world is just one big maybe... But for society to function sometimes you need absolutes, which can then lead to those that worship the absolute...

j.nick said...

Order and Chaos. I was thinking about this and what I thought was this. It's like two of the same record playing on two different turntables (let's say some crappy belt-drive turntables). If you start them together, every so often they will sync up and go out of phase. For the most part they will never play at the same speed in the same place. I think that is a lot like order and chaos. Sometimes order and chaos will be one in the same and work well together but most of the time they are out of whack making everything all crazy. They each put one another back in their place. It's part of the balance that makes life sustainable.

As far as two heads being better. If they share similar interests then it is often better but opposing views will bring things to a quick halt. It is also dependent on the person. Like the brig was saying (or at least what i gather), I prefer to work alone. There is no one else to depend on and i can only fail myself. At the same time, i like working in groups and bouncing ideas and getting people to see things in a new light. But like everything, it's circumstantial.

We won't be able to escape basic needs like food and sleep. Our animal instincts can be over-ridden by out beliefs. We are more than we are naturally. We accomplish more as a group but can find deeper meaning alone.

I would explain myself but i didn't feel like it, deal with it (joke).