Sunday, September 21, 2008

say what?

What IF ...
1. Gredo shot first
2. JFK was never shot
3. Martin Luther King Jr. was never shot
4. Hitler never was born
5. Einstein didn’t work at the patents office
6. Bush was never elected
7. 9-11 never happened
8. Michael Moore never made movies
9. America never landed on the moon
10. We had tails
11. We could read each others minds
12. Men were like sea horses and had the kids
13. Christianity never took off
14. We never needed to sleep
15. We could choose our own dreams
16. There were no countries
17. God really did talk back
18. God had an answering machine, what would the message be like
19. There was no facebook, google, myspace, yahoo, ipods, or stupid catch phrases like acronyms that people now prefer to say instead of the intended meaning, as in saying OMG instead of oh my god
20. Celebrities and sports stars only made minimum wage
21. The presidents pay check was a based bi weekly on approval ratings
22. You could look at yourself from outside your body
23. If we aged backwards
24. If no one had invented film
25. There was no tv
26. We had to give up one sense in exchange for another, but the others were offset and super
27. We could pop a pill for everything, and still be ourselves
28. If we were all Spartans hoo – rah
29. If we still had the morals and ethics of the fifties and sixties mixed with the freedom loving and open mindedness of the 20’s, 60’s and 70’s
30. All animals were just as intelligent as humans
31. If Adderall and Prozac were never invented
32. There was no such thing as caffeine or energy drinks
33. Ghosts hung around and talked to us
34. We really had devils and angels on our shoulders
35. All drugs were legal, would we have such large numbers of people doing them
36. We evolved faster
37. We could never lie, or people always knew when others lied
38. If there was world peace, what would we do
39. People cared about your positive attributes instead of being a whore who’s daddy has lots of money
40. Michael Jackson never went insane
41. We had to walk everywhere
42. WOW never existed
43. We each took turns ruling the nation, or better yet the popular vote won… and we dismissed the electoral college as an outdated practice
44. You knew for certain that there was only one person for you out there, truly soulmates and you couldn’t date anyone else
45. You married the first person you ever dated, kissed…
46. Guiness or Jameson were more awesome… strike that from the record, it couldn’t happen
47. Men loved sex and the city and will & grace, and women watched football and the Simpsons/Seinfeld
48. Hippies shaved and took showers and dressed in business attire
49. If there was no pain, could we appreciate anything at all
50. We never wore clothes
51. We had no form of writing
52. We all wrote like Shakespeare
53. Harry potter, star wars, and other modern “epics” never existed
54. If jar jar was a badass and the prequels rocked
55. You could live inside your favorite tv shows and go in btwn them at will
56. Everything was free
57. We were all still friends with our ex’s
58. We never were distracted by thinking about sex or relationships
59. If pirates and ninjas got along
60. Playing video games made your parents proud
61. If we settled national problems thru games, video or Olympic style, say paintball instead of real guns – who would ref?
62. The world relied upon you for its salvation
63. Time wasted wasn’t wasted time
64. We could keep our innocence longer
65. You could look at other potential realities of yourself
66. You could choose your family but not your friends
67. If could get paid for just being me (im actually really banking on this happening one day, those bill collectors are getting right pissed)
68. I really did have wonder twin powers
69. I was addicted to the food network, house, heroes, and other things that keep me from doing my hw on time
70. If I had bet on black instead of red when I was down to my last 50 in vegas
71. We were all forced to go to high school reunions
72. If you could never get a divorce aka love really was forever
73. I didn’t suddenly get distracted

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